Help! My Home Won’t Sell!


After weeks and weeks of open homes, with strangers traipsing through your home every weekend, and spending hours on the phone to your real estate agent… your home won’t sell!

It’s easy to feel disheartened, to feel like it was all for nothing.

You had high hopes of interested buyers making offers 24/7, and all you hear is crickets.


So… what’s next?

Unless you’re happy to spend the rest of your life in this property, you’ll need a backup plan.

Which is why we’ve put together some helpful strategies in this blog post that you can implement when your home won’t sell.

In our experience, there’s three things that will determine whether your home attracts buyers and a good selling price:



Any good real estate agent will tell you that presentation is paramount when you’re selling a home.

At a basic level, the property must be clean and tidy. Beyond that, there are plenty of tweaks you can make which don’t cost a fortune.

Curb appeal is important, so consider spending some time and money refreshing the front of your property. A lick of paint, a new letterbox or some strategically placed pot plants can freshen up a dull exterior, without breaking the bank.

The other key areas to consider are the bathroom and kitchen. Buyers perceive these as big expenses  if they purchase your property and need to factor in a renovation.

This doesn’t mean you need to fork out for a big reno.

Even simple touches like new cupboard doors, light fittings or door handles can make a big difference.



No, we’re not going to ask you to slash your asking price and walk away from the sale with nothing.

There are other ways you can make your price more attractive and lure in potential buyers.

One trick is to drop your price a little, so your property falls into a different bracket of search results. For example, if you’ve priced the property at “offers over $800,000”, then anyone searching online for properties up to $800,000 won’t even see your listing. So, try dropping the asking price to $799,000 and see if you get any bites.

Another great strategy –  instead of going for a predictable, standard number, go completely outside the box and choose a quirky figure.

We’re used to seeing prices that end in zeros and nines, so why not go for something like $798, 543? That will surely make people stop scrolling and wonder about the asking price.

It’s also possible that after addressing the presentation and promotion of your property, you might even be able to bump the price up a little.

Many buyers don’t even look at properties under a certain value.



There are plenty of promotional strategies you can implement if your home won’t sell.

These days, many sellers are turning to social media, sharing their properties in Facebook groups in the hopes of capturing some interested buyers. Many also use Facebook ads, which can be targeted towards users who are most likely to be interested in your property.

If these options are a bit left-field for you, even refreshing the photographs of your property can make a difference. Take a look at what other sellers are listing on or Domain – what inspiration can you glean from them?


In conclusion…

If your home won’t sell, there’s still plenty of strategies you can implement that will hopefully help you on your way to seeing that ‘sold’ sign.

If your home still won’t sell, feel free to reach out to us at Adpen. We’re always on the lookout for fantastic properties and sellers.