If you want some sure-fire tactics that will help you succeed at negotiating your next property deal, then look no further.
In this post, I’m going to run you through 5 proven negotiation tactics that I use everyday to create win-win scenarios for myself and my clients.
Tactic #1: Know what you want before negotiating
Always know your bottom line before commencing negotiations.
If you don’t have a plan of your own, you’ll end up being a part of someone else’s.
Tactic #2: Aim for a win-win negotiation
Your objective should always be able to reach an agreement that works for both sides and lets you walk away with your relationships intact.
You can achieve a win-win negotiation by looking beyond requests and demands to understand the other party’s real intentions and motives. Understanding their agenda goes a long way in creating outcomes that benefit both parties.
Tactic #3: Never believe anyone else is entirely on your side
Everybody has their own interests and goals they want to achieve.
While it’s good to have people you can count on, remember that the only person that truly cares about your financial prosperity is you.
Tactic #4: Check your emotions at the door
When it comes to negotiations, it’s better to leave your emotions out of the negotiation room.
If you are too emotionally involved, you will lose your perspective and make emotional rather than logical choices. Negotiation on emotion could potentially cost you money or crash the negotiation entirely.
Tactic #5: Ask questions
Master negotiations are never afraid to ask the other party questions or for advice.
If you are unhappy with the responses you get, try and ask another question like, “What makes you say that?”. This gives you more thinking time and forces the other side to better justify their position.
Learn more from the experts
Want to know more about mastering the art of negotiation? Get in touch with Adpen or attend one of our upcoming property training events in the New Year.